Route 66 is Still the Place to Get Your Kicks


Route 66, also known as the Mother Road and the Main Street of America, may have had its heyday years ago, but it’s definitely still worth a drive to see these Route 66 attractions. Construction of the highway began in 1926 and it became one of the most famous roads in America. Connecting Chicago to Los Angeles and passing through 8 states, and covering over 2,000 miles, people came in droves to Get Their Kicks on Route 66.

Though long since bypassed by modern highways, Route 66 attractions still make it a road trip your family should take. Large sections are gone now, but cities, towns and individuals have preserved its charm and history along the way. Don’t forget to bring a camera and capture the adventure, giving your family something to truly remember for years to come.

If you have a couple of weeks you could make the whole trip, but I recommend breaking it up, as I’ve done over the years. That way you can slowly enjoy the whole experience, like people did before modern day highway speed limits. The Western section has a lot more of the original route and attractions preserved, but the Eastern half still has some great surprises as well. Courtesy of Toyota, here are some of the highlights I’ve had a chance to see. I’m sure you will have your own stories to add to this great part of American history.

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