
Heating assistance checks of up to $1,000 in New York: who is eligible?

  • HEAP Program Benefit for New Yorkers
  • Up to $1,000 in Heating Assistance
  • Eligibility and Application Process

With winter severely impacting much of the country and low temperatures gripping New York, many families are facing higher-than-usual heating bills.

In response, the state government has launched an initiative to provide economic relief to the most vulnerable households.

This includes a one-time check of up to $996 to help cover heating costs during the coldest months.

The assistance is available through the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP), a state initiative designed to help low-income households pay their energy bills.

Heating Assistance Checks Announced in New York

Heating Check Announcement in New York, money, check, New York, MundoNOW

Approximately 1.7 million New Yorkers are expected to benefit from this program, reflecting the state’s commitment to ensuring no resident endures the cold due to a lack of resources.

Access to this benefit is not universal, and certain eligibility requirements must be met.

First, applicants must be residents of New York State.

Additionally, the household’s gross monthly income must fall within the current income guidelines, which vary based on household size.

Who Is Eligible for the Heating Assistance Check?

The current income guidelines are as follows:

  • 1 person: $47,890
  • 2 people: $62,570
  • 3 people: $68,312
  • 4 people: $76,681
  • 5 people: $83,470

It is important to note that, in addition to meeting the income limits, households must be enrolled in one of the following public assistance programs:

  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
  • Temporary Assistance (TA)
  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for those living alone

These requirements ensure that the aid goes specifically to families with the greatest financial need.

Benefit Amount and Eligible Heating Sources

The amount provided to each household depends on factors such as family size, economic situation, and the primary heating source used.

Covered heating sources include electricity, natural gas, oil, kerosene, propane, coal, wood, and wood pellets.

The maximum payment a family can receive is $996, offering significant relief for those relying on costly heating systems.

Learn How to Apply

CHECK, New York, heating, MundoNOW

For those interested in accessing this benefit, the application process is straightforward, according to the AS portal.

Residents can submit their applications in person at local social services offices in New York State. Alternatively, they can complete the process online through the Access NYC website, making it convenient to apply from home.

Applicants are advised to gather necessary documentation, including proof of income, recent energy bills, and proof of enrollment in the relevant assistance programs.

The Importance of Heating Assistance for New York Families

For detailed information, applicants are encouraged to visit the official HEAP Program website, which offers step-by-step guides and additional resources to assist throughout the process.

The heating assistance check provides crucial support for many families who might otherwise struggle during the winter months.

In a time when energy costs continue to rise, this aid not only alleviates financial burdens but also ensures the well-being and safety of residents, particularly those in vulnerable situations.

Through this program, New York reaffirms its commitment to protecting disadvantaged families and ensuring every household can maintain a comfortable temperature throughout the winter.

What do I tell a person with cancer? 5 things to remember

According to statistics, in 2021, nearly two million people were diagnosed with some type of cancer, and more than 608,000 people died from the disease. If you know a person who has recently been diagnosed, you may not know what to say to cancer sufferers, but it is important that you know how to address that person.

There are some phrases that must be avoided, such as “I know what you are going through” or “you should try this new diet,” since these types of comments only cause anguish and sorrow in people. For this reason, we present five phrases that you can say to a person with cancer.

5. I am here for whatever you need

A friend hugging another with cancer

If you don’t know what to say to cancer patients, it is best to be honest and speak from the heart, trying to be as empathetic as possible but always respecting their space and privacy. Let that person know that you are there for everything they need.

Saying this phrase might seem like a cliché, but it can be a real relief for a cancer patient who will probably need your help at some point for things as simple as some company time or grocery shopping.

4. What day can I visit you? 

A person hugging a friend with cancer

Above all, respect the privacy of the person who has been diagnosed with cancer since it is news that can negatively affect their mood. Do not try to force a talk or a visit because, far from helping, you would be causing greater discomfort.

This is a phrase that you can say to a person with cancer since it will let them know that they are an important person for you, that you care about them, and that knowing that if they do not want visits, it will not be a personal matter but simply a way of processing the news.

3. I am very sorry for what you are going through


If you are a person who has not had cancer, avoid at all costs using phrases such as “I know what you are going through” or “I can imagine how you feel” because, in reality, it is a situation that carries a physical and emotional burden that will be difficult to explain.

For this reason, perhaps it is best to say, “I am sorry for what you are going through,” since, although you cannot do anything to cure this illness, your friend or family member will know that their feelings are valid and justified and that they have someone to vent to.

2. Tell your friend that if they want to talk to someone, you are there for them


Do not try to force talks with a cancer patient, especially if you want to know more about the disease or if it is newly diagnosed. Give the patient enough space so that they can share with you everything they feel, but always at their own pace.

Mention to your friend or family member, “If you ever want to talk to someone, I’m here for you.” Send them messages sporadically without asking invasive or insistent questions, simply reminding them that you wish them the best and that you will always be there for them.

1. Do you need me to help you with something?


“Do you need help with something?” If you’re wondering what to say to cancer patients, this is one of the best phrases since it is possible that at some point they need or want your help or company. There will be times when the person wants complete privacy, but there will also be days where they require the company of other people.

Don’t hesitate to give your friend or family member options about the ways you can help them: by shopping, preparing some special food, going to buy their medicines, or just visiting them for a good time.

Do Covid-19 home tests expire?

Do you know when a Covid-19 home test expires? Since the pandemic began, a great concern among the global population has been to access effective treatment and avoid spreading the virus to others.

Given the scarcity of tests in hospitals and health centers, a resource that has been used frequently is the home tests for Covid-19, which allow the presence of the virus SARS-CoV-2 to be detected easily. But what if the Covid home tests expire? 

1. Covid-19 home tests: What are their benefits?

A home covid test in the hands of a woman

Undoubtedly, home tests for Covid-19 are an extremely useful tool to access timely treatment and avoid putting your health at greater risk, in addition to the fact that its cost is usually much lower than in other health centers. This saving helps the budget of households with more than one member.

Another benefit of this test is that it is less invasive than others and does not represent greater discomfort for the person performing it, so it can be carried out from the comfort of your home in as many attempts as necessary, always using a different test.

2. What is the duration of a Covid-19 test?

Hand holding a covid home test

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has carefully studied the components of each Covid home test and based on solid scientific bases, has concluded that they have an approximate duration of 15 months.

The health authorities of the United States, where a large part of the Covid home tests are produced explained that in reality what expires are the components of the strips. Each manufacturer has placed the expiration date on the sides of the boxes that are for sale.

3. Can I use an expired Covid test?


When asked “Can I use an expired Covid test?” the simplest answer is yes. Using a Covid home test whose shelf life has expired is possible but not recommended. This means that the operation of the equipment will not present obvious alterations, but it could alter the result.

The official recommendation of the health authorities is to avoid, as far as possible, the use of tests that have already expired. However in recent months, the FDA has said that in some cases it is possible to use tests with an expiration date of no more than three months.

4. How could using an expired Covid test affect me?

covid home test kit

One of the main suggestions that experts give regarding the use of home Covid tests is to carefully review the expiration date contained on the packaging and avoid using any strip that has an expiration date that has already passed.

But what could happen if I use an expired Covid test? The greatest risk to which a person who uses an expired home Covid test is that their results will be affected, and this could put their closest relatives at risk of contagion.

5. How should these tests be handled?


One thing to consider is that before using a home Covid test, it is necessary to keep it at room temperature in a safe and cool place.

It is important to bear in mind that the tests have undergone rigorous studies, and it has been verified that the tests can withstand temperatures between 2° and 30°, but it is not designed to spend long periods in refrigeration or freezing.

How to reduce your electricity bill: 10 ways to save money fast

In the United States, the average electricity bill is $115 per month, but this figure can vary depending on the town, the number of devices in the house, and their usage.

There are some ways to reduce your electricity bill to save money and promote environment-friendly habits.

Learn 10 ways to save money fast!

1. Check the ducts

Carry out a thorough review of the ventilation ducts, air conditioning, and cooling systems, which could mean the difference between paying a high electric rate or paying as low as possible. Ensure the good condition of your ducts, and proceed to repair all leaks. In this way, you will guarantee that the performance of your equipment is optimal and that its use fulfills the function for which it was designed.

2. Use energy-saving devices

washing machine using power to run
Photo: Shutterstock

Thanks to technological innovations, it is becoming easier to reduce energy consumption through devices designed to save energy, such as washers, dryers, dishwashers, and refrigerators. For example, an Energy Star–certified dishwasher offers water savings of up to 6.5 gallons per wash cycle. Experts recommend investing in efficient equipment that has a greater use at home.

3. Change your bulbs

The installation of light level dimmer switches, as well as energy-saving LED or fluorescent light bulbs, save up to $75 dollars on your annual electricity bill. Although it may seem like small savings per year, this will be added to the adoption of other energy consumption habits, which in the long term will result in considerably lower electric energy bills.

4. Invest in an audit to know where the energy is going

an electric power meter
Photo: Shutterstock

If in recent months or years you have noticed a considerable increase in your electricity bill, you may need specialized advice from your electricity supplier. The providers usually give personalized advice, often free, in which they will help you identify the usage and consumption habits that impact your bill.

5. Adjust the temperature of your water heater

Water heaters usually have a temperature of 140 degrees Fahrenheit, or 60 degrees Celsius. However, modifying this factory setting will reduce your energy cost significantly. This is another way to save on your electricity bill. Simply reduce the temperature to 120 degrees Fahrenheit, or 49 degrees Celsius, to reduce the cost by 10%.

6. Regulate your thermostat

Photo: Shutterstock

One way to reduce electrical energy consumption is by regulating the temperature of the thermostat, which can be done manually or getting equipment that performs this task for you. One way to do this is to reduce the temperature at bedtime or when you are away from home. Doing this for eight hours a day will notably contribute to a reduction of up to 10% in the cost of electricity.

7. Install ceiling fans

The installation and use of ceiling fans is an idea that will allow you to use some devices less frequently, helping to lower your monthly electric bill. The reason why experts recommend the installation of this type of fan is because it allows the air conditioning to work optimally without straining or increasing energy consumption.

8. Dry your clothes naturally so you don’t waste energy

A person drying clothes with the energy of the sun
Photo: Shutterstock

Do you want to save money? Maybe it’s time to say goodbye, at least temporarily, to your dryer. You will reduce the amount of water you use and you will get the benefit of paying a lower bill. If you have the option consider installing a clothesline to dry your clothes. You could also just hang your freshly laundered clothes in the laundry room.

9. Invest in curtains

Just as installing ceiling fans will help your air conditioner work optimally, so will curtains and blinds. Especially those that receive more natural light during the day. By closing the curtains and blinds in the hottest hours, you will help your air conditioning work optimally. You can also apply a tinted coat to your windows if you wish.

10. Wash your clothes in cold water to save energy

Photo: Shutterstock

Did you know that 90% of the electrical energy consumption derived from washing machines is due to the use of hot water? This considerably increases your electricity bill. For this reason, the main recommendation is to avoid washing cycles with hot water. Just use cold water. You will begin to notice the difference in the first month!

Do I have menopause? 5 signs that tell you have it

Menopause is the time that marks the end of menstrual cycles, and its official diagnosis is given when women have experienced at least one year without a menstrual period. This occurs on average in women of 51 years, although the symptoms of menopause can occur in people from as early as 40 years. In addition to the absence of menstruation, among the most common symptoms are mood swings and hot flashes, but they are not the only ones. Find out what are the most common symptoms of menopause!

Dry skin and thinning hair

Menopause is a natural process in which hormone levels drop considerably, leading to increased dryness of the skin and noticeable thinning of the hair. It is also possible that a greater amount of facial hair appears, and women go through periods of vaginal dryness. However, these symptoms can be greatly reduced with proper treatment.

Headaches may indicate menopause

woman with headache

It is common for women going through menopause to report an increase in the intensity and frequency with which they suffer from tension headaches or migraines due to the drastic decrease in hormone levels. These symptoms tend to be more intense during perimenopause, but not everything is bad since in some cases, migraines can disappear once the menstrual periods stop.

Sleeping problems

For many women going through menopause bedtime can be difficult, mainly because night sweats and dry skin make it difficult to fall asleep. Another aspect that negatively affects sleep patterns is excessive sweating, which can cause women to wake up abruptly, making it more difficult for them to fall asleep and achieve sound rest.

Joint stiffness could be due to menopause

Woman's hands holding her knee because of pain

Osteoarthritis is a condition that can occur in a large number of women during menopause, affecting joints, such as the knees, shoulders, neck, and hands. If the person has suffered a previous bone injury, their discomfort may increase since the hormonal imbalance causes a lower response to inflammatory processes.

Recurrent urinary tract infections

Before menopause, the body faces a series of changes that can affect the body in different ways. For some women this means an increased risk of osteoporosis, while for others, it increases the frequency with which they suffer from urinary tract infections. This is because the decrease in estrogen levels not only causes vaginal dryness but also leads to an increased production of bacteria that cause urinary tract infections.



A symptom associated with menopause is palpitations or changes in the heart rate. These palpitations are usually harmless, but they cause widespread discomfort that sometimes prevents you from performing daily activities comfortably. In these cases, your doctor may prescribe a hormone blocker, beta-blockers, or calcium channel blockers to keep your heart rate in a healthy range.

Loss of muscle mass could be due to menopause

Experts in the treatment of symptoms associated with menopause recommend light physical activity to help counteract the loss of muscle mass during menopause. Among the most recommended exercises for losing body fat and maintaining muscle mass are walking, light jogging, swimming, and even low-impact aerobics.

Relationship advice: 5 fun ways to enjoy summertime sex

If you want relationship advice, consider this: your libido’s forecast just announced that it won’t be just the weather that’ll be heating up this summer. These steamy months are not only the perfect time to recharge your batteries, but your love life as well. According to Men’s Health contributing writer Lisa Taddeo, women in the summertime, “want to have sex more often and more eagerly, especially in the late afternoon around 3, after we’ve been toasting on a beach for a few hours, or out on a city street wearing about 3 pounds less clothing than we were wearing a few months ago. Our skin is warmer now. It sweats and it’s both chapped and moist and every pore is open to receiving.”

When it comes to relationships, summer is about rejuvenation and exploring new adventures in life and in the bedroom. But why just limit yourselves to the bedroom? Why not try it under the stars in a tent? Or a skinny dip in desolate lake? Or simply all lubed up in the privacy of your shower? Here are 5 fun ways to spice up your sex this summer that will have you both tearing each other’s clothes off in no time.

1. Get Your Heart Pumping

Adrenaline helps increase your ability to be aroused, so take advantage of the warm weather and try riding roller coasters, skydiving, rock climbing, or some other pulse-boosting activity with your partner. The thrill serves as mental foreplay.

2. Sweaty Betty

While getting frisky beneath the down comforter with the AC blasting is one option, try turning up the heat for even more thrills. Yvonne K. Fulbright, Ph.D., M.S.Ed., a sexual health and relationship experts, says “wet hair, slick bodies, and salty kisses adds to the intensity and makes your usual  routine seem extra exotic.” Post cool-down shower together is a must.

3. Experiment Like Scientists

Trying new things in bed, and out of it, stimulates dopamine, a neurotransmitter that plays a leading role in romance. Plan dates that are a little nutty and naughty. From exploring new neighborhoods, accepting social invitations outside you inner circle, sneaky sex in a dressing room—summer is about a sexy state of mind. The best relationship advice we have for you is to loosen up and have some fun.

4. Randy Raft

If you own a pool or find yourself alone together in a lake, we dare you to try this aquatic sex position featured in Cosmopolitan. On a well-inflated raft, lie on your stomach with your butt and legs dangling over the edge. Your man, standing in shallow water, should grab on to your thighs, and enter you. We told you it would be a hot summer.

5. Windows Wide Open

There’s nothing that fires up your inner exhibitionist more than leaving the window open while getting down to business. Not only are you increasing your chances of a gust of cool air cooling off your sweaty bodies, but it ramps up the thrill that you might be seen or heard. And if you are, big deal, it’s better than getting arrested for indecent exposure on the beach.

Eco-friendly tourism: Exploring the world in harmony with nature

  • Try eco-friendly travel this year!
  • Protect the planet while you vacation.
  • Eco-tourism is gaining popularity.

Eco-friendly tourism is all about exploring the world in a way that respects and preserves the natural environment.

It’s a travel philosophy that encourages us to minimize our impact on the places we visit, ensuring they remain vibrant and beautiful for generations to come.

From choosing sustainable accommodations to engaging in responsible activities, eco-friendly travel offers a path to adventure that aligns with our values.

Opting for eco-friendly accommodations is a cornerstone of sustainable travel.

Many hotels and lodges now prioritize sustainability, using renewable energy sources, implementing water-saving practices and offering organic, locally-sourced meals.

By staying at these places, travelers support businesses that are committed to reducing their environmental footprint.

This choice not only reduces your travel impact but also promotes the growth of green initiatives in the hospitality industry.

Embracing slow travel

Adventure, travel, destinations, Costa Rica, woman hiking
Photo: MundoNOW Archive

Slow travel is an eco-tourism approach that emphasizes quality over quantity, encouraging travelers to spend more time in each destination and truly immerse themselves in the local culture and environment.

This reduces the need for frequent, energy-intensive transportation, leading to a lower carbon footprint.

Slow travel allows for a deeper connection with the places we visit, fostering a greater appreciation and understanding of the natural world.

It’s a rewarding way to explore, offering unique experiences and a more relaxed pace that benefits both the traveler and the planet.

Supporting local economies with eco-friendly travel

market, shopping, travel, local goods, clothes
Photo: MundoNOW Archive

Eco-friendly travel goes hand in hand with supporting local communities and economies.

By choosing local guides, eating at local restaurants, and purchasing crafts made by local artisans, travelers can ensure their money directly benefits the people who make these destinations so special.

This approach not only enhances your experience with authentic interactions but also helps sustain the local culture and environment.

Supporting local economies is a powerful way to contribute to the preservation and flourishing of unique destinations around the world.

Participating in conservation efforts

vacation, memories, photos, selfie, beach
Photo: MundoNOW Archive

Many eco-friendly travel experiences include opportunities to participate in conservation efforts, such as wildlife protection, reforestation projects or beach clean-ups.

These activities offer a hands-on way to contribute positively to the environment while gaining a deeper understanding of the challenges and efforts involved in conservation.

Participating in these programs can be a transformative aspect of travel, turning a simple vacation into a meaningful journey that leaves a positive mark on the world.

It’s a chance to give back to the planet that provides us with so much beauty and wonder.

Reducing waste and plastic use

man, drinking water, exercise, hydration, travel
Photo: MundoNOW Archive

A key aspect of eco-friendly tourism is the commitment to reducing waste and minimizing the use of plastics.

Travelers can make a significant impact by carrying reusable water bottles, bags, and utensils, and by avoiding single-use plastic items.

Many destinations now offer water refill stations and encourage waste reduction practices, making it easier for visitors to travel sustainably.

Reducing waste not only helps protect the environment but also sets a positive example for fellow travelers and locals alike.

Choosing responsible activities for eco-friendly travel

Kachina, Taos, New Mexico, eco-friendly, eco-tourism, vacation
Photo: MundoNOW Archive

When exploring new places, opting for eco-friendly activities can enhance your experience while ensuring minimal impact on the environment.

Whether it’s hiking in well-maintained trails, snorkeling in protected marine areas or bird-watching in conservation parks, responsible activities allow travelers to enjoy nature’s wonders without harming them.

These experiences often come with educational components, teaching visitors about local ecosystems and the importance of preserving them.

By choosing responsible activities, travelers can enjoy the thrill of adventure while supporting environmental conservation.

Mastering the art of frugal flying: Top tips for finding cheap airfare

  • How to travel on a budget.
  • Cheap airfare is key.
  • Try these tips!

Scoring cheap airfare can feel like a victory for any traveler, turning dreams of distant lands into affordable realities.

With the right strategies, the art of frugal flying can unlock a world of travel opportunities without breaking the bank.

From timing your purchase to exploring alternative routes, we’ll cover essential tactics for savvy travelers looking to stretch their wings and their dollars.

How to travel on a budget: Timing is everything

offers, accommodation, travel, flights, MundoNOW
Photo: MundoNOW Archive

When it comes to budget travel, timing can make all the difference in how much you pay.

Airlines often adjust their prices based on demand, time of week and how far in advance you book.

A sweet spot for purchasing tickets is generally between four to six weeks before your departure, especially for domestic flights.

Keeping an eye on fare trends and setting up alerts can help you snag a deal at just the right moment.

Flexibility pays off

vacation, memories, photos, selfie, beach
Photo: MundoNOW Archive

Being flexible with your travel dates and destinations can lead to significant savings.

Flying mid-week or during off-peak hours often results in cheaper fares compared to weekend or holiday travel.

If you’re open to exploring multiple destinations, use search tools that allow you to compare prices across different locations.

This flexibility can unveil unexpected deals, turning a routine trip into an adventure.

Dive into discount airlines and alternative airports

packing tips, MundoNOW, luggage, vacation, suitcase
Photo: MundoNOW Archive

Discount airlines and smaller, regional airports are treasure troves for frugal flyers.

While budget carriers might offer fewer amenities, the trade-off can be worth it for substantially lower ticket prices.

Consider flying into or out of alternative airports close to your destination, as they often host airlines with more competitive fares.

Just be sure to factor in any additional transportation costs to and from these airports.

Leverage loyalty and rewards programs

airport, travel, woman, vacation, MundoNOW
Photo: MundoNOW Archive

Joining airline loyalty programs and using travel rewards credit cards can lead to significant savings over time.

Even if you don’t fly frequently, accumulating miles and points can eventually earn you free flights or upgrades.

Pay attention to credit card sign-up bonuses and spending categories that earn extra points on travel purchases.

These rewards programs are designed to benefit regular customers, making loyalty a valuable asset in your frugal flying toolkit.

How to travel on a budget with smart search strategies

Viajes ecológicos, viajero- Eco-friendly tourism, traveller, scooter, Paris, MundoNOW
Photo: MundoNOW Archive

Mastering a few smart search strategies can drastically improve your chances of finding cheap airfare.

Utilize incognito or private browsing modes to search for flights, preventing airlines from tracking your activity and potentially raising prices based on your interest.

Comparison sites and meta-search engines like Kayak or Skyscanner can help you view a wide range of options at once.

Remember, booking directly through an airline’s website can sometimes offer lower prices or more favorable terms for changes and cancellations.

Consider package deals and hidden city fares

Smart strategies, flight, travel, selfie, vacation
Photo: MundoNOW Archive

Exploring package deals that bundle flights with hotels or car rentals can sometimes offer better overall savings.

Be cautious with hidden city ticketing, where you book a flight with a layover and leave at the layover city, as it can have drawbacks and is frowned upon by airlines.

These strategies require a bit more research and flexibility but can lead to significant discounts for savvy travelers.

Always weigh the pros and cons and ensure you understand the terms and conditions to avoid any travel hiccups.

Have a great and inexpensive vacation!

jet lag, travel, vacation, airplane, MundoNOW
Photo: MundoNOW Archive

Learning how to travel on a budgetopens up a world of opportunities, making even the most distant destinations accessible on a budget.

By employing these strategies, from timing your bookings to leveraging loyalty programs, you can enjoy the thrill of exploration without the financial strain.

Remember, patience, flexibility, and a bit of savvy are your best tools in the hunt for cheap airfare.

With these tips in hand, you’re ready to embark on your next adventure, confident in your ability to fly smarter, not harder.

The 5 most visited cities in the world

  • The 5 most visited cities in the world.
  • These destinations attract millions of visitors each year.
  • Start planning your next vacation.

These are the five most visited cities in the world! If you’re planning your next trip, you might want to set your sights on these destinations that attract millions of tourists.

They are known for their incredible architecture, natural wonders and luxurious amenities.

According to a recent study by MasterCard, there are five cities that consistently rank at the top when it comes to tourist destinations.

Learn more about these destinations and the attractions that make them so popular.

1. The Most Visited Cities in the World: Bangkok, Thailand

most visited cities, Bangkok, temple, travel, MundoNOW

Thailand’s capitol, Bangkok, is one of the most visited cities in the world. Each year, more than 22 million people go to see the numerous architectural, natural and commercial attractions.

Bangkok is rich in natural resources, so it’s common to find a variety of exotic fruits and vegetables that contribute to its incredible cuisine.

Some of Bangkok’s main attractions include the Grand Palace, a complex that once housed the Thai royal family and Wat Pho, a temple with a huge Buddha statue.

Finally, the Temple of Dawn is a Buddhist temple adorned with porcelain and a majestic central tower.

2. Paris, France

eiffel tower, woman traveling, red boinet, tourist, MundoNOW

When talking about the most visited cities in the world, we can’t leave out Paris. According to Mastercard, the City of Light is the most visited European destination.

It welcomes approximately 19.10 million visitors each year, who gather at its iconic attractions to enjoy breathtaking views as well as the cultural and gastronomic offerings of this European city.

Paris offers options for practically every traveler. Its imposing architecture is present in every corner and its museums are beyond compare.

Visitors can’t miss famous attractions like the Louvre, the Palace of Versailles and the Eiffel Tower.

3. London, England

London, clock, tourist attraction, big ben, thames river

London is, according to Mastercard, the third most visited city in the world. Each year, it welcomes 19.09 million tourists — putting it just below Paris and Bangkok.

A few of the most popular destinations include Buckingham Palace, Big Ben and Parliament, although there are many more places to visit.

Tourists can explore the interior of the Tower of London, a historic fortress on the banks of the River Thames.

There, it is possible to get a close look at the Crown Jewels and learn more about the country’s history. Its multicultural legacy provides a wealth of cuisine and other cultural offerings.

4. The Most Visited Cities in the World: Dubai, UAE

most visited cities, world, dubai, emirates, dawn

Almost 16 million tourists plan a trip to Dubai every year. It’s a vibrant destination in the United Arab Emirates, where luxury is literally everywhere.

The Burj Khalifa is known for being the tallest building in the world, with 163 levels and an observation deck from which the entire city can be seen.

Dubai is an innovative and cutting-edge city that is constantly growing.

Perhaps one of the destinations that has the most impact on tourists is Palm Jumeirah Island, an artificial island that houses restaurants, shopping malls and luxury resorts.

5. Singapore

Singapore, modern city, landscape, buildings, MundoNOW

Singapore is among the top five most visited cities in the world, with approximately 15 million tourists in just the last year.

One of Singapore’s main attractions is that it is also classified as very safe by most of its residents and the travelers flock there year after year.

One of its most popular attractions is Marina Bay Sands, a resort that has become a must-visit for travelers thanks to an impressive rooftop pool at the hotel.

Another popular destination is Gardens by the Bay, a park with a botanical variety that includes some exotic plants.